Sherrel Jamesha Finley Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of Sherrel J. Finley. Sherrel was a 2018 graduate of Macomb Community College, where she studied Business Management. Sherrel passed away unexpectedly prior to her college commencement ceremony, one of her major life’s goals. Sherrel became an avid student and found a passion working with young children, believing that early development and education was critical to the success of our youth. Despite challenges and barriers in her education, Sherrel’s sense of purpose, motivation and strong sense of self, helped her excel. Sherrel will be remembered for her strength in overcoming obstacles and her belief in the importance of early childhood education in building a strong foundation for future success. This scholarship will be used to assist students who are facing challenges in their life in accomplishing their educational and professional goals.
• minimum 2.0 or higher GPA
• provide a 250-word essay describing a challenge the applicant is currently facing or has overcome in their life and how this award will help them achieve their educational goals
• awards is for tuition, fees, books, and other educational expenses
• students are able to reapply for this scholarship

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please provide a 250-word essay describing a challenge you are currently facing or have overcome in your life and how this award will help you achieve your educational goals.