Melanie Lynn Carlson Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Honors the memory of Melanie Lynn Carlson, a former student in the Veterinary Technician program. The scholarship provides tuition assistance to students in the Veterinary Technician program.

  • students must be enrolled in the Veterinary Technician program for at least one semester at Macomb Community College
  • financial need (FAFSA required)
  • minimum GPA 3.0 each semester of award
  • renewable, based on application
  • essay explaining the student’s educational and career goals in veterinary medicine and why he/she should
    receive the scholarship
  • recipients required to write a thank you note to the donor and submit academic progress reports each semester

up to $500
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please include an essay explaining your educational and career goals in veterinary medicine and why you should receive this scholarship.
  2. Do you understand and agree to, if you are awarded this scholarship, you will be required to submit academic progress reports each semester you received the award.
  3. Please provide a Thank You note to the donor.